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Have you ever wondered, with an SEO Case Study, how certain businesses make an incredible mark in digital marketing?

You’re not alone. In today’s competitive online landscape, standing out from the crowd isn’t easy. But for Air Duct Now – it’s SEO. 

It is a leading provider of air duct cleaning services in the United States. The company was founded in 2001 and has been growing steadily ever since.

In 2023, Air Duct Now partnered with us to improve their search engine optimization (SEO). The goal was to increase organic traffic to their website and generate more leads and sales.

We worked with Air Duct Now for 3 months to implement a comprehensive SEO campaign. The campaign included keyword research, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and content marketing.

The results of the SEO campaign were impressive. Our Client’s website traffic increased by 200%, and its lead generation rate increased by 8 times better.

In this SEO case study, we will look closer at the SEO strategy we implemented for Air Duct Now. We will discuss the key strategies that were used, and we will share the results that were achieved.

This case study will inspire other businesses to invest in SEO. With the right strategy and execution, SEO can be a powerful tool for driving traffic and leads to your website.

Before This SEO Case Study, Let’s See Search Console Overview

3 months traffic comparison of air duct nowBefore we started our digital marketing service, our local cleaning business partner was struggling to be found online. Their website was hard to find in search results, and they weren’t getting enough traffic to make a difference in their local market.

But the scenario has changed now. This is Air Duct Now’s website traffic over a period of three months. The number of clicks has increased by 440%, the number of impressions has increased by 247%, and the average CTR(click-through rate) has increased by 150%. 

CTR is the percentage of people who see your website’s listing in search results and click on it. The average position has also improved by 9.5%.

Our Proven Methodology: Let’s See How We Make This Happen

Our Proven seo MethodologyOur proven methodology is like a well-oiled machine. We take a deep dive into your business to understand your goals and challenges. Then, we develop a custom plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

Here’s a breakdown of our proven methodology–

SEO Case Study: First Month

air duct now traffic at the first monthStep 01: Find Low competitive, long-tail keywords

These keywords are less competitive to rank for but still have a decent search volume. And long-tail keywords are less competitive than short-tail keywords, which means it’s easier to rank for them.

Step 02: Analyze Competitors and Find the Gaps

What are your competitors doing well? What are they doing poorly? What opportunities are there for us to outrank them? – This gives us an idea of where to focus our SEO efforts.

Step 03: On-Page Optimize the Services pages with proper intent

Our next task was doing on page SEO of the service pages with the keywords we’ve found and ensuring that they are easy to use and navigate.

Step 04: Follow up on all technical SEO tests

In addition to on-page SEO, we ran various technical SEO tests that ensured our website is mobile-friendly and remains mobile-first indexing. This test also includes checking for broken links, duplicate content, and other technical errors.

Step 05: Make Sure Mobile-first indexing

Google now indexes websites for mobile devices first –as more and more people are using their phones to search online.

That’s why we especially made sure our website is optimized for mobile devices so that it would be indexed by Google’s mobile-first indexing algorithm. 

Step 06: Optimize GBP (GMB) with Local Keywords

GMB (Google My Business) is a free listing that can help businesses rank higher in local search results. We optimized Air Duct Now’s Google Business Profile (GBP) for the local keywords that we had identified. 

Step 07: Create Basic Backlinks

Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. They are an important ranking factor in SEO. We created a few basic backlinks to Air Duct Now’s website. This helped to improve the website’s authority and ranking in search results.

SEO Case Study: Second Month

air duct now traffic at the second monthStep 01: Find Soft intent low competitive long tail keywords for the blog post

In the second month, we focused on creating high-quality blog posts optimized for soft-intent long-tail keywords. These keywords were less competitive, but they still had a lot of search volume.

Step 02: Published Regular Blog post on low competitive soft intent Keywords

We published regular blog posts on the keywords that we had identified. These blog posts were well-written, informative, and optimized for relevant keywords.

Step 03: Actionable on page SEO & Leverage internal liking

Every blog post becomes a powerhouse with actionable on page SEO, while internal linking strengthens the website’s structure. That’s why we implemented actionable on-page SEO techniques on the blog posts, such as keyword research, title tag optimization, and internal linking.

Step 04: Take Relevant Guest Post

Guest posting is a great way to get backlinks to any website. We took a few relevant guest posts on other websites that helped to improve Air Duct Now’s backlink profile and ranking in search results.

Step 05: PR Submission

Elevating brand visibility, we engage in strategic PR submissions, establishing Air Duct Now as a prominent player. And lead to more traffic and backlinks.  

Step 06: Build Local Citation for GBP to Rank GMB

Citations are the mentions of your business on other websites and can help improve your GMB ranking. To boost GBP’s ranking, we built local citations, establishing Air Duct Now as the go-to choice in their local community.

SEO Case Study: Third Month

air duct now traffic at the third monthStep 01: Published more Blog posts

We published more blog posts on the keywords we had identified that helped increase the website’s content volume and improve its ranking in search results.

Step 02: Take More Guest Posts

Expanding the reach, we continue to take advantage of guest posting opportunities, extending Air Duct Now’s influence.

Step 03: Focus on GMB Ranking

Then we focused on improving the Google Business Profile(GBP) ranking, which includes GBP (GMB) Optimization, and claiming and verifying the GBP listing. 

Step 04: Leverage Off Page: Email & Social Media

Taking it a step further, we leveraged off page SEO techniques, such as email marketing and social media promotion– they are great ways to promote our website and attract new visitors.

As you can see, we followed a systematic and data-driven approach to SEO. We focused on the right keywords, created high-quality content, and built backlinks. – And we were able to achieve significant results for Air Duct Now.  

The Challenges We Faced 

When we started working with the cleaning business, we knew that there would be some challenges ahead. After all, the cleaning industry is a very competitive one, and there are a lot of other businesses vying for the same keywords.

Finding Soft intend keyword

oft intent keywords are those that people use when they’re not yet ready to buy, but they’re starting to think about it. For example, someone might search for “how to clean my air duct” or “best cleaning services in my area.” These are the kinds of keywords that we needed to focus on in order to attract new customers.

Maintaining Crawling budget 

Google has a limited amount of resources that it can use to crawl websites, and if we wanted our website to be crawled frequently, we needed to make sure that we were optimizing our content for crawling. 

This meant using the right keywords, structuring our content in a way that made sense, and avoiding any technical errors that could prevent Google from crawling our site.

Lack of business directory

We also had to deal with the lack of business directories. There are many cleaning businesses out there, and not all of them are listed in the major business directories. This meant that we had to work extra hard to get our business listed in as many directories as possible.

Fulfilling content gap

We had to work on filling in our content gaps. We created new content on topics that our target audience was interested in and by updating our existing content to ensure that it was up-to-date. 

Making the website mobile-friendly 

Making the website mobile friendly was also a challenge. The website was originally designed for desktop computers and didn’t look good on mobile devices. 

We had to make some changes to the design and the code to ensure the website looked good on all devices.

Wrapping Up

Air Duct Now’s SEO journey is a great example of how local SEO service can improve a website’s visibility and traffic. With this SEO case study, you can learn a lot about improving your website’s SEO by yourself. 

However, it’s important to remember that SEO is a complex and ever-changing field. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO. 

The best way to improve your SEO and advertise your business locally is to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and experiment with different techniques. 

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